I am a doctoral candidate at the chair for international economic relations at Bielefeld University and a research fellow at the center for trade policy at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW). Since September I have been a visiting researcher at the Center of Economics for Prosperity (PROSPER) at Católica Lisbon.
My research focuses on issues in international economics. I try to understand how firms cope with global uncertainties affecting patterns in international trade. These include international sanction regimes, economic disintegration and institutional factors.
I am interested in integrating unconventional - often big data - into conventional empirical research using novel tools such as deep learning and language processing.
Fields: International Economics, International Trade, and Firm Dynamics.
Policy Output
- “War in Ukraine and Western sanctions – How vulnerable are German firms?” (with Holger Goerg and Saskia Meuchelboeck)
- “Unternehmensanalyse zum Deutschen Handel mit Russland, Ukraine und Belarus” (with Holger Görg and Saskia Meuchelböck)
- “Effects of the AfCFTA for German and European companies” (with Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz and Rainer Thiele)
- “Perspektiven einer erfolgreichen europäischen Handelspolitik im Kontext geopolitischer Herausforderungen” (with Gabriel Felbermayr, Katrin Kamin, Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Sandra Kill, and Alexander Sandkamp)
- “The Economic Costs of War by Other Means” (with Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, and Hendrik Mahlkow)
- “Aktualisierung der Studie zu Auswirkungen des Freihandelsteils im Rahmen eines Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen der EU und dem MERCOSUR auf die deutsche Wirtschaft” (with Rahel Aichele, Martin Braml, Gabriel Felbermayr, Lisandra Flach, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, Feodora Teti, Erdal Yalcin and Marina Steininger)
- “A crisis in times of crisis: Combating COVID-19 under sanctions in Iran” (with Sonali Chowdhry and Katrin Kamin)